Arseal has engineering expertise to design electrical systems using protective relays to safeguard personnel and infrastructure, while minimizing unnecessary downtime.  We can apply these electronic relays in various applications, including but not limited to breaker control, feeder/bus protection, motor protection, transformer protection, generator protection.  We can generate configuration parameters and upload to the relay(s) depending on your preference.  Arseal can specify the relay and all associated instruments to complete the protection system.

Protective Relays

Arseal provided engineering services to implement major upgrades to a pumping station. Upgrades entailed replacing a substation circuit breaker, specifying/installing new transformer, new electrical building, and installing new pumps/motors with VFDs operating at 4160 VAC, 3-Phase. Substation breaker utilized a Multilin 850 feeder protection relay, and each motor was protected via a Multilin 869 motor protection relay. Our client had a preference for the GE Multilin line for this project, but we can also design using other protective relays.

Project Details

Location: Axton, Virginia

Client: Plantation Pipe Line

Project Contact

Paul Malone
Manager, Electrical Engineering